Our Son is Going to VCU

My son and I had the opportunity to attend a campus tour of Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in Richmond, Virginia. The campus was impressive, filled with stunning buildings, and had a rich history dating back to 1838 when it was founded as the Medical College of Virginia. Today, VCU is a thriving urban research university with over 30,000 students.
We started our tour at the Welcome Center, where the staff was helpful and informative, providing us with a campus map and answering any questions we had. From there, we made our way through the campus, taking in the sights and sounds of university life.
As we continued our campus tour, I was impressed by the various buildings, from the James Branch Cabell Library to the Siegel Center, which houses the university's basketball teams. The campus was buzzing with activity, and it was clear that something was always going on.
One thing that struck me about VCU was the diversity of the student body. Students from all backgrounds and walks of life were represented, and inclusivity was highly valued at VCU. It was heartwarming to see the university's commitment to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment.
As the tour ended, my son and I were impressed by the university's commitment to academic excellence and student success. We knew that VCU was the perfect choice for him, and we were excited to see what the next four years would hold.
Later we met a friend of Mark’s and toured the College of Engineering. The engineering building was modern and well-equipped, and I could see that the university had invested heavily in providing students with the best possible learning experience.
As we made our way back home, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and excitement for my son's future. I knew that VCU was the perfect place for him to thrive in the College of Engineering and become the successful engineer he dreams of. I was eager to see the future for him as a VCU student.